Upper Cervical Care Helps Constipation?

This may sound strange at first, but I have a number of patients who call me because… they’re constipated.

It started a few years ago after I helped a patient who had been suffering from chronic constipation. Her case was heartbreaking, and by far the worst I’d ever seen. The only consistent form of bowel movement she had involved her husband manually “de-compacting” her with a rubber glove every 3-4 days. Not a pretty picture!

Within three days of her first upper cervical correction, she had five natural bowel movements. Her husband called ecstatic, and just couldn’t believe it worked!

Over the months and years following this case, a number of constipation sufferers have found their way to my practice. With similar results, they choose to come in whenever they’re feeling “backed up.” Interestingly enough, within about 24-72 hours of their visit, they too have regular bowel movements.

This may sound surprising, so allow me to shed some light on the topic…

Symptoms of bowel diseases such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) include painful cramping, bloating, and constipation. Evidence supports that certain cases of bowel disease result from the malfunction of nerves that control gastrointestinal function and/or immune response. It can also result following trauma to the spine. Uncorrected spinal trauma can create malfunction within the autonomic nervous system, the immune system, and the nerves traveling from the brain to the G.I. tract.

The purpose of Upper Cervical Care is to reverse the trauma-induced neck injury; thereby reducing irritation to the nerves that supply the body, including the digestive organs. (Fun Fact: 80% of your immune system is found within your digestive tract!)

It’s important to note that there are many different causes of constipation and not all can be helped the same way. An upper cervical examination is necessary in each individual’s case to determine if benefit from Upper Cervical Care can be achieved.

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[…] pain, and elect to receive chiropractic care for relief from other conditions? Examples may include constipation, dizziness, […]

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