Never Sleep on Your Stomach

One of the changes I encourage patients to make in their lives after receiving chiropractic care is to stop sleeping on their stomach. A surprising number of people are shocked to hear that this is detrimental to them.

If you don’t believe me, try walking around with your head turned to one side. It won’t take long for you to begin feeling pain, soreness, dizziness or neck/shoulder tension. Your body doesn’t like this standing up, and I promise you that it doesn’t like it when you’re lying face down with your head on a pillow either.

The fact is, wrenching your head and neck in this way for even just a few minutes while sleeping can significantly strain the muscles and ligaments of the spine. Repeatedly doing so every night for years slowly adds pressure to the joints and nerves, contributing to spinal degeneration and allowing for the development of a variety of health problems.

What type of health problems, you ask? Among other things, a 2015 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience suggests that stomach-sleeping could increase your chances of developing Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and other neurological diseases.

While sleeping on your stomach may feel good and seem perfectly acceptable, so does picking your nose to a 4-year-old (and then eating the treasure). They’re both bad habits, and neither of them are okay!

If you’d like to learn how to stop sleeping on your stomach, this article will explain how.

This pillow can also help.



What about sleeping on your stomach WITHOUT a pillow? I’ve been sleeping like this since childhood (I’m almost 65 now) and sleep like this on the floor, too.

    Sorry Vicki, there are no exceptions to the rule 🙂

      What about the idea of sleeping with your neck straight and not to the side? I do this all the time by merely resting my forehead on the edge of the pillow. My mouth and nose stay perfectly elevated off the ground. As for sleeping on your side, isn’t a person even more likely to not only be bending their neck, but also their spine and hip too? It makes me think of the 80% “unexplained” cases of scoliosis lying around.

      Published study, please. Google scholar hasn’t been forthcoming.

    I sleep on my stomach, but i also sleep on my pillow with it being braced on a slight angle from my sternum up to my head. A second pillow under that positioned like a normal pillow elevates my head enough that i can sleep without any neck twisting and am still able to breathe and not crush my face 🙂 I can’t sleep on my back, I snore if I do and I don’t sleep well. Most often I just roll back over onto my side or front anyway :S

    There is nothing wrong with picking your nose and eating the boogers. It’s actually good for your immune system.

Brent Nelson Monday at 00:56

I believe that there is an optimal level of wear and tear we put on our bodies and the level isn’t zero. Otherwise we would spend our lives far from the sun and sharp objects, wear helmets at all times, and blend all of our food. The reality is I would rather sleep how I want for 60 years than how I don’t wan to for 75. Enjoy your lives people. Treat yourself and sleep how ever you want.

    Your point, although very existentialist, is not very practical. If we followed your logic, we would eat what we want whenever, smoke and drink whatever and whenever, exercise only if we felt like it, and not worry about any of our actions because we were too busy feeding our ego. I would suggest that this is not the way to attain health. I believe the good doctor’s point is that our bodies have a certain design and framework, and if we respect that design we will get better performance form our body.

      I agree with Brent that you should do what you want. We don’t want to waste our short period of existence on this Earth, and we should do what makes us happy. And I’m sure that people have slept on their stomachs for centuries, but it makes sense that it may hurt our spine.

      That being said, switching how you sleep is relatively easy. If you just force yourself to sleep on your side or back for a week or two, I’m sure you’ll be as comfortable as you were on your stomach. It’s much like switching from 2% to skim milk. You taste the difference at first, but you will pretty quickly become acclimated. And maybe you won’t notice a difference, but trust me, back problems are not something for the faint of heart. They will follow you your entire life…IMHO

      I don’t think ego comes into this at all.

      I agree with Damien

    Jon, it sounds as if you’re describing the act of sleeping on your face. I think you’ve accommodated and compensated to sleep this way… It’s unnatural, however, and I do not recommend it.

    As for side-sleeping, that opens the door to a whole new conversation regarding mattress quality and pillow type. Water beds or springy/unlevel mattresses that dip, coupled with unsupportive pillows will cause a variety of structural problems as well.

    I invite you to read this guest blog post I wrote for a mattress supplier in St Louis. It touches on this topic –

Hmm.. my chiropractor always puts me facedown on his adjustment table and sometimes I fall asleep waiting for him. Is this a problem?

    Joe, I’m assuming your head isn’t turned to one side or the other, and is actually face-down on a specialized headpiece. If that’s the case, no, you’re okay.

I actually sleep on my stomach because I feel like I got much less sleep when I don’t… I feel horrible when I don’t basically.

Hi, I’m a stomach-sleeper myself…. I’ve noticed some chest pain lately (not anything heart-related but rather muscular, my pectoral muscles seem to hurt some). Can this be a product of sleeping on my stomach? is it normal? I haven’t worked out in some time but when I did I noticed that the hardest part for me to work was precisely my pecs… can sleeping on my stomach for years be a product of this? Thanks

Wow I’ve been experiencing exactly the same thing as Daniel described only just recently after sleeping on my stomach for years. It feels like pain on your chest/ribcage. Obviously sleeping on your stomach is bad for you! I’ve been trying to switch recently but it is hard. I tend to roll back into my normal position!!

I used to be a back and side sleeper. My wife started to work a few nights a week and the nights she didn’t work she couldn’t fall asleep as early as I wanted to. She started reading in bed. To fall asleep I started to lie on my stomach and bury my face in the pillow so the light wouldn’t bother me. After a few nights I discovered that when I slept on my stomach I awoke far more rested. Ever since I’ve been sleeping on my stomach. When I slept on my back if I got crowded on the edge of the bed and couldn’t roll over to my side part of the night a awoke with a backache. When I sleep on my tummy I sleep in the same position all night and never awaken with a backache.

I use a memory foam pillow and sometimes I lay with my arms wrapped under my pillow and my head turned sideways and sometimes I sleep with my forehead and eyes burried in the pillow to keep my neck in a neutral position. Either way is comfy.

Brent that is so funny what you said…i am in total agreement
Damiens Its all about INDIVIDUAL choices. if you choose to abuse your body then the consequences will come sooner or later. The information is out there and if its useful to you then you will sleep on your back, if you don’t feel like it then you will sleep on your stomach.. Author your own lives and this is one aspect that the individual has full rights over.

    an opinion… My family has been sleeping on their stomachs for ages and not once have I ever heard them complain about any neck problems. How can a skeletal problem occur when someone is using natural extension of their neck? The only time I’ve ever had a neck problem is from over extension of the shoulder-to-head while sleeping. And it wad purely a muscal twinge

      I think the ones who go on his sight for advice and then fight against the advice they get are absolutely ridiculous. ask yourselves this.mkay if you knew what was good for you and felt so damn good why are you here asking questions? or is it that you need to hear only what you want to hear. Perhaps you have no life already and you want to put this Proffessional person down because if I recall they have a degree in this and you do not other wise you would not be seeking answers to your ailments stop waisting our time and leave this site for people who really want help and good advise.

      dr.adam,isn’t it amazing how these people seek advice then act like their doctors and try to tell a real doctor whas best. I think they are maddening. cheers to you on your patience with the morons of this world.

Every now and then, I’ll end up sleeping on my stomach, and arms on the pillow. After this, my chest will be killing me in the morning. But it stops about 20-30 minutes after I get up… anyone else get this?

I think it’s quite funny that you say “you should do what you want. We don’t want to waste our short period of existence on this Earth, and we should do what makes us happy.” This life is not about us. We should take care of the vessels we were given. It’s so irresponsible and lazy to have that attitude. And believe me, it’s the ones dealing with back pain, obesity, diabetes, etc that constantly complain…and can’t figure out why they’ve gotten where they’re at.

I seem to find sleeping on my stomach so much more comfy, though I’m actually dealing with pulled muscles in my lower back right now. So I’ve decided to change my sleeping pattern for better well-being. One slight problem though – sleeping on my side hurts my shoulder and I wake up with a “dead arm”. I can’t seem to win no matter what. Never the less I’m sure sleeping on my side will prove to be better in the long run.

    Devon Spencer Thursday at 11:55

    I feel your pain, literally and figuratively. I find sleeping on the side less intrusive in changing the position but I find it hard to adjust to. Having a pillow between your legs when you sleep to your side will help with the shoulder problem you are having. Sleeping on the back seems to be the most natural and safety position but if you’re a stomach sleeper it’s pretty much the complete opposite and therefore hard to accommodate to.

Devon Spencer Thursday at 11:53

I think there are clearly ways to make sleeping on the stomach less damaging to the body. One would be a pillow under the stomach and that your head is arched down as opposed to up and not on the side.

I think many people are not looking at some reasons why some people may sleep on their stomachs. One is their room may have too much light and sleeping on their stomach would have their eyes closer to a pillow and would make it generally darker than it would be if it were to the side or ceiling. The room may be too cold or hot and they have sensitivities and laying on a pillow as opposed to direct exposure comfort them. People with RLS would probably experience some relief in this position because it restricts their body the most from movement. Some people with anxiety may feel more protected in this position because the front of their body isn’t exposed. These are some theories I have come up with. I think it’s important to know why these people may be sleeping this way rather than just criticize the position.

    I agree with you, Deveon. I sleep on my stomach largely because I have anxieties about being vulnerable and “exposed” on my back.

It’s not a one size fits all situation; Sometimes one has to choose their battle (i.e. medicine in spite of side effects, heavy snoring vs. restful sleep etc.) as illustrated in some of the comments / reports here. It seems sleeping on our back would promote a natural cervical spine arch BUT without the right pillow (I still haven’t found “the one” for my side position) the neck can still be slightly out of line AND one would have to be “still” and sleep in the same position all night. Few of us do. Trying to recreate a curve we have in the standing position while leaning on a pillow may-be unrealistic. Perhaps the best way to do this would be to sleep on our back with our head resting on a small wooden bench as some African tribes do…? OUCH.
I say experiment and figure-it out for yourself. If you wake-up every morning with a relaxed neck rather than a tense one (like I do), that is YOUR answer…isn’t it?

I sleep almost exclusively on my stomach. For one, if I sleep on my side, my leg falls asleep. And I actually don’t fall asleep if I lie on my back. I remember trying a fews times, once when I was dead tired, and I laid awake for almost an hour before deciding to flip over to my stomach. I fell asleep almost immediately. Do you have any advice on how to train myself to sleep on my back without me going sleepless for most of the night?

    Liz, over time your body has simply learned the bad habit of stomach-sleeping. You can definitely learn to sleep on your back and/or side, but it will take practice.

    You might start by using the “training wheels” of pillows called a Therapeutica. These are designed exclusively for back/side sleeping, and will wake you up if you roll over onto your stomach. They’re available online. Here’s a link to some you can purchase on Amazon –

      I ordered a massage table that i plan to sleep on. I wake up choking a lot whether i sleep on my back or side – so i really need to sleep on my stomach and this should make it easy and comfortable.

i find that if i sleep on my back a part of my spine is sticking out and hurts quite badly also when im on my side my neck become uncomfy an i feel the awful need to crack it the only way to sleep comftably is on my stomach

I sleep on my stomach to avoid PAIN in my right leg. My thigh tends to “jump” shortly after I get rested, & ready for sleep. I used to sleep “fetal”. It started causing problems with the nerves in my arms, & causing SEVERE pain from the shoulders down.
I recently realized that if I sleep on my stomach with my left arm above my head, & my right arm by my side. I can get a FULL nights sleep.
Any thoughts or ideas?

    Interesting! I sleep the exact same way! I always end up sore when I sleep on my side, one night I was cold and decided to sleep on my stomach and I have ever since. I seem to sleep better this way and having one arm over my head helps with my RSI.

I absolutely LOVE to sleep on my stomach. . . .but have gotten a stiff neck over the past three or four years. So much that it hurts all the time. It’s better if I sleep on my side (I can’t sleep on my back) but during the night I turn over on my stomach and my subconscious lets me do it “because it feels good.” Then I start a new day with the same stiffness and pain that I’m trying so hard to cure! Any hints on stopping myself while I’m partial asleep?

Is sleeping on your back any better than sleeping on your side? I have mild scoliosis and I’ve been told not to sleep on my side because it might curve my spine even more. Is this true? It’s very uncomfortable for me to sleep the whole night on my back since I’ve been sleeping on my side for years now.

Also I had no idea sleeping on my stomach was bad! Ever since I found out about the scoliosis, I tried to sleep on my stomach since it “felt” like my spine was straight.

I’ve slept on my stomach since i was 8 months old and havent noticed an problems till this last year. Im in varsity and i have noticed i will get some back pains during cheer practice.Also, i seem weaker during cheer then when i try to sleep on my back. Why do i feel this way and whay do i get back pains?

I’ve always slept on my stomach with my head to the side and never had any problems until recently. I am 27 years old and a few months ago switched pillows from a super flat old pillow to a new memory foam pillow that elevates my head greatly. I started getting neck/shoulder/upper back pain and have switched back to my flat pillow since after doing some research, i have realized that if you ARE going to sleep on your stomach, you should either use no pillow at all, or a very flat one like my old one. I have recently bought a snoogle(side sleeper that is advertised for pregnant women) and am waiting for the jersey material cover for it. The snoogle seems to make side sleeping much easier. Once I get the snoogle cover I will begin to try and switch to side sleeping.

I also have mild scoliosis and am a bit worried about my spine, but I could never imagine sleeping on my back. I have a GREAT DEAL of trouble sleeping in general(takes me forever to fall asleep).

Dr. Tanase, do they sell those face-down specialized headpieces to the public? Would that be something you would recommend for sleep to stomach sleepers? Thank you.

    Sean, you started your question by saying that you’ve “always slept on your stomach and never had any problems…” — but you finish by saying that you have a mild scoliosis and a “GREAT DEAL of trouble sleeping”… These are contradictory statements. You may not see the relationship between poor sleep and scoliosis to stomach-sleeping, but there very well may be a connection.

    The good news is you’re 27… you have plenty of time to make the necessary changes. To answer your question, no I do not sell pillows… Under no circumstances have I ever encouraged stomach-sleeping. Instead, I will challenge you to begin breaking this bad habit.

… Last night I slept the majority of the night on my side with the snoogle and only about a quarter of the night on my stomach so I am getting there.

Oh my god I never knew this I’m currently a stomach sleeper
& I just had a back problem an accident occured I need help
I can’t sleep sideways nor the other way

I’m sixteen years old and sleep on my stomach with my head turned to the right, which is just about parallel to the rest of my body.

I never get a sore back or neck, and I’ve been sleeping like this for the past seven years. Is that unusual, or will I still end up developing issues when I get older?

    Demara, at 16 your spine and skeletal structure haven’t stopped growing yet. You’re at a stage in life where your body can “handle” damage better than when you’re 50.

    Now is the best time to begin training yourself to break this bad habit. The sooner the better!

    Thanks for your comment.

Do you have anything to support this besides anecdotal evidence? I would be very interested in seeing anything more empirical than what is written, particularly concerning the mechanics and reasoning behind the claims.

Hey thanks for that I’m know going to try sleeping a different way

I am currently interested in figuring out how to train my body to sleep on my stomach? I currently sleep on my stomach and would love to correct this, but need some practical steps to help my body train in a new way. Besides adjusting to use the pillow method, what are other ways to fix this issue?

I have slept on my stomach for as long as I can remember. The only time that I didn’t sleep on my stomach was when I was pregnant and it was physically impossible. I know that the pregnancy contributed to my problem, but every night my sleep was restless when I wasn’t sleeping on my stomach. After months of sleeping on my side (and counting the nights until I could sleep on my stomach again), when my baby was born I went right back to stomach sleeping and finally slept peacefully (if only for a couple of hours at a time until the baby needed fed!). I guess I’m wondering if it is only a habit of sleeping on your stomach that makes me sleep better that way than any other way, how long does it take to train myself to sleep peacefully in a different position?

    Jasmine, unlearning a habit could take a while… It’s harder for some than others, but you have to really police yourself and make sure you’re aware of your body position. Therapeutica makes a stomach-proof pillow you can purchase from It makes it really difficult to sleep on your stomach – you might look into trying one.

The only way that I can fall asleep at night is on my stomach. I would spend many nights not knowing why I could not fall asleep one night I realized that when I lay on my stomach and can fall asleep almost instantly. So what am I suppose to do? I do know that my neck is constantly sore BUT I think that is from excessive cracking of all of my joints which I have been doing for about 12 years or more. That is another thing that I can not get over. Please let me know what you think may help me stop doing both.

    If your neck is constantly sore, that’s something that should be addressed. I’d recommend visiting an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in your area for evaluation. There may be a structural/functional issue that needs to be fixed. Once this has been corrected, you may find that sleeping on your back or side becomes much easier…

Hi! I sleeo on my stomach, but haven’t noticed any neck pain. I sleep with my arms up and hugging the pillow, which may put less pressure on my neck or something, I don’t know, but the point is it elevates my torso. I also sleep on a pretty old matress, so the center is dipped down, leaving my hips at the bottom.
Is this constant arch bad for my lower back? Sometimes I feel like my lower spine naturally wants to arch now, is that bad?

im 35 all my life slept on my stomach even through 4 pregnancies my body has felt numb for 3 weeks now and pain en my abdominal area with no reason Test have already been done and nothing has been found, can sleeping on my stomach be causing it

Thank you so much for sharing this medical proof as well.Now I gonna change my ways of sleeping as it is finally for our good health.Thank you Doctor.

A Friend

I had trouble with my back when I would wake up from a night sleeping on my stomach. My doctor told me to try to sleep on my side or my back. Every time I started on my back or side I would roll to the stomach. So one night I used me wife’s body pillow from her pregnancy and I was able to stay on my side and wake up with no pains.

I’ve tried them all now. I was always a side sleeper, then became a stomach sleeper. While I was still a side sleeper, I developed multiple sclerosis, which later damaged my right leg. For a while, I went back to the side, but this only served to exacerbate the twisting of my spine that was occurring due to walking poorly. My chiropractor straightened me out and I started sleeping on my back for the sake of my alignment, but now I get tightness and pain between the shoulderblades every morning when I wake up. Tonight, I’m going to experiment with my head between two pillows sleeping on my stomach again, with an unturned neck, and a pillow under my stomach/hips to support my spine. Good luck to me! Nothing works!

I’ve been a stomach sleeper for most of my life. I used to be able to sleep on my side and rarely my back but now whenever I try to sleep on my back I can’t fall asleep. I think stomach sleeping for so long has now affected my spine / nerves / connective tissue etc. I’d like to try sleeping on my back if I could. Might try the Therapeutica pillows.

I cannot sleep on my back – period. I feel like I am choking and have periods where I feel like I am falling and jerk. I have tried sleeping on my side, but I still have shoulder pain, because I am still going to have one shoulder under my pillow. The most comfortable/painless position is flat on my stomach (always have been a stomach sleeper) with neither arm under the pillow forming a sort of field goal “U” with my arms – that way neither shoulder is under my pillow, but then I feel like I am suffocating because my face ends up too close to the bed. 2 pillows doesn’t solve this because my head would be too high. I am also an insomniac and it can take hours to fall asleep and the least little pain to wake me up. Any suggestions?

Is it wrong to sleep on ir back without a pillow and with one of ur legs folded? thats the only way i can sleep on my back =) i used to sleep like that when i was younger. Now im 29 and i love to sleep on my stomach. My stomach was flat when i used to sleep on my back too, im wondering if the position helps…

I’m a stomach sleeper mostly, but starting about two years ago I started having some numbness in my face and lower eye socket on the left side. I then started having a slight numbness in my left arm and fingertips. This has been happening on and off, but now is more everyday. I’ve also been having some pain in the left back of my head, behind my ear and eye and jaw again this is on and off, but more frequent as of lately. Today my left eye has started watering out of the outside corner slightly. I went to my Chiropractor one week ago and he did a test that sensed the temp in my neck. The temp on my left was 180 degrees and my right was 96 degrees a big difference. He said it was my c1 nerve. He adjusted me and I felt better for a while, but my symptoms are back now. I have been sleeping on my stomach some. Maybe this is the reason? Do you think he could right about the c1 problem?

Im in my mid 20s and I’ve had chronic sub scapular, trap, and neck muscle spasms. Its normally very painful and a major nuisance. I constantly have to pop my neck and back to releive some of the pressure but it doesnt always help. I wrestled for 11 years but i stopped working out for a few years. Anytime i try to get back in the gym it just makes things worse. I sleep on my stomach with my head turned to the side and my arm under my head and pillow. This is the only way I can seem to get comfortable and get a good nights sleep. Do you think sleeping like that can cause all of these problems or do you think it’s a combination of things?

    I don’t think it’s helping the problem, that’s for sure. Even though it’s a comfortable position to sleep in, it could very well be contributing to the discomfort you feel throughout the day.

I don’t like sleeping on my side or especially my back because I don’t get as deep of a sleep. Not only that, but one time sleeping on my side caused me to experience an episode of sleep paralysis which was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced (and I’ve deployed to Iraq). I love night mares, but I’d take a 1,000 nightmares over a single episode of sleep paralysis. When I looked into it, I found that sleep paralysis is far more common when you sleep on your back or sides.

With the way our bodies are all babied these days, it’s a wonder to me as to how people in the 17 and 1800s didn’t live fully painful lives. They mattresses they had (for those fortunate enough to have one) were garbage, the work they did was generally more “back breaking,” and there is no way they were more hygenic. You’d think they all should have been diseased cripples with the way everyone acts these days.

Olivia Davis Tuesday at 22:39

I have insomnia this us the only way I can get a decent nights sleep!

Ive slept on my stomach for years and havnt had any Problems I can think of. I have a temperpedic bed and a temperpedic pillow. I only use one pillow and it sinks In nicely. I wake up on my back every morning. Is this ok?

I’ve been sleeping on my stomach for 20 years of my life. I decided to change it and the last 3 years I’ve been sleeping on my back(I’m 23).
The difference that I PERSONALLY have noticed between these 3 types of sleeping:

Stomach sleeping(without the pillow)
-less hours needed to feel rested
-overall much more comfortable
-breathing is better

-sometimes neck pain in the morning but very rarely in my case
-changing the head position throughout the sleep can be annoying

Back sleeping
-eye bags seem to be smaller
-no neck pain

-very often choking, feeling powerless and struggling(especially when I have a very late dinner 😛 so yeah this one is more because of that hehe 😛 but I do it rarely)

Side sleeping
-most comfortable for hips

-I almost NEVER managed to sleep on the side yet to wake up with a normal blood circulation…MY ARMS ARE ALMOST ALWAYS PARALYZED!
Is it just me? Do I simply have a bad circulation?(I wouldn’t say so I’m pretty physically active), is it because I’m slim and defined so there’s nothing to stand between my veins and the ribs that constantly lay on them :D?
Is it because I have a very low heart beats per minute?(44)
What’s the deal!? seriously!?

That was my story and I intend to continue sleeping on my back, but I will definitely keep researching on this topic.


I have been a stomach sleep for my whole life, never had any problems until recently. It’s as if all circulation is cut off when I sleep on my stomach. My limbs go completely numb, so numb they wake me up because they hurt, not pins and needles, a dull pain. Also, my face and lower legs, ankles, and feet swell, I get edema bad. Why is this happening all of a sudden?? I don’t understand what is causing this. Is this serious?? I did sleep on my side last night, and woke up with no edema. I just can’t get comfortable on my side or back.

    Jodi, our bodies can handle a lot… but they can’t handle it forever. Eventually things begin to wear out, and that could be why you’re just not starting to notice these symptoms. The sooner you begin to improve the situation the better, so I would recommend you begin getting used to sleeping on your side or back. If you don’t have a chiropractor, it might be a good idea to get a spinal checkup to see what’s going on within the cervical spine.

      I sleep on my stomach for few months now . Let me get straight to it ,it has cuased me back problems feels like soar rib cage tense and muscle spasms . I also noticed if I sleep in on weekends its worse. I definitely connect this to sleeping on stomach.

Sleeping on my back or side triggers sciatic pain. I never slept on my stomach until I got sciatica. Even if I don’t have any pain all day, sleeping on my side/back will cause pain when I go to bed. I know I need to stop though because I have HUGE knots in both shoulders/neck. I feel like I can’t win either way!

I am a recovering stomach sleeper. A shoulder spasm took me back to my Chiropractor and I decided to just start taking care of myself. I went weekly and increased the time between visits as I had less snapping. I discovered I don’t HAVE to sleep on my stomach like I used to and I’m sleeping fine and I’m down to one visit a month. My tooth sensitivity (dental problems ruled out) is gone and I was in agony at anything I ate/drank that was not warm. I expected neither benefit and am a skeptical person by nature. Maybe sleeping on your stomach is a symptom? I highly recommend Chiropractic as a therapy.

Hmm, don’t care, doing it anyway. It’s comfy and 9 times out of 10 if I fall asleep on my side I wake up on my stomach. No way I can sleep on my back, it’s super uncomfortable for me and I used to get sleep paralysis a lot and being on my back when it happened scared the crud out of me. I’ll be comfy now and deal with the problems if they occur later. I don’t get to sleep as much as I’d like, so I’m darn well going to enjoy it when I do.

amber clark Friday at 19:22

Ok so i always sleep on my stomach which i now know is bad for you. I sleep on my stomach with either my left or right leg bent and my left arm under my pillow while my right arm rest on top of the pillow beside my face. Ive woken up before to my right shoulder being sore and while brushing my hair or drying it my right arms feels like dead weight.
Ive been trying to train myself not to sleep with my right arm elevated but i woke up this morning crying bc my right upper arm area was in so much pain. Ive tried to sleep on my back but i have kissing tonsils and my Uvula swells. Idk what to do and i have a horrible health care plan of course.

Jadan Kelly Tuesday at 00:12

I only sleep on my stomach to avoid sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming. I don’t like it.

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[…] * Don’t sleep on your stomach, ever. Check out my previous blog post on this topic by clicking here. […]

[…] joints, and ligaments. Add to this other cockamamie things people do on a daily basis (like sleeping on your stomach) and you’ve got a recipe for chronic aches and pains. Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) […]

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[…] up with back or neck pain, it might not be your mattress that needs replacing. Your pillow or your sleep position could be the culprit. In either case, if you’ve never had your spine checked, I recommend you […]

[…] Article written by Dr. Adam Tanase D.C. and obtained from […]

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