
Can Chiropractors Adjust Too Much?

When it comes to how often patients should be adjusted, there’s a difference of opinion amongst chiropractors: Is it better to over-adjust or under-adjust? In other words, is a patient better off receiving more adjustments than necessary, or can chiropractors adjust too often?

I’ve met chiropractors who proudly recommend over 100+ adjustments per year! On the opposite end of the spectrum, I know chiropractors who only recommend semi-annual checkups.

Personally, I’m of the opinion that the fewer adjustments a person needs, the better off they’ll be… More importantly, the longer they go without needing to be re-adjusted, the healthier their spine and nervous system are… But let’s see what the developer of the Chiropractic profession had to say about this issue (emphasis his):

“Frequently over-adjusting CREATES new conditions which average Chiropractor may alibi as retracing when in fact it is what HE is doing that creates NEW dis-ease growths.”

Bear in mind, the intended audience for this statement was his fellow chiropractor, not patients. So please forgive the technical jargon… Here’s the basic translation: “Doctors, if you adjust patients too often, you’re going to create new problems. When this happens, don’t try and justify it by saying it’s part of the healing process.”

Dr. B.J. Palmer dedicated his life to transforming chiropractic care from a “family secret” into a worldwide healing profession. He succeeded. If anyone has the authority to speak on the efficacy of a chiropractic adjustment, it’s him. At the very least, his opinion is worth considering.

In the decade that I’ve been adjusting patients, I’ve never once thought to myself, “Man, I really should have adjusted that patient more often.”

So why am I sharing this information with you? It’s because many patients think the first question to ask when searching for a chiropractor is, “Do you accept my insurance?” — As a chiropractic insider, I’m here to tell you that should be the last.

Hopefully this demonstrates why it can be more important to ask, “How often do you expect to see me?” or if you’re currently under chiropractic care, “Am I getting adjusted too often?”


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